About Us
ProCare Wales was established in 2001 as a registered provider of care and support services within the community. We provide registered care home and community supported living services in Conwy and Denbighshire. We are a multi award winning organisation with a reputation and track record for quality. ProCare Wales’ Head Office is based in Rhyl, Denbighshire and is governed by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).
Our focus is on providing high quality care services, delivered by expert staff to local individuals. Our aim is to ensure that families are kept close together and as such we will only offer services which we can manage fully within close geographical proximity. We do not desire to be the biggest, only the best we can be for the individuals we support.
Procare Wales currently run two residential provisions which forms part of our Intensive Support Service. Uniquely, our residential services can support individuals from the age of 16 years.
We have over 20 years of experience in providing 24 hour community living schemes, all of which are based within the Conwy and Denbighshire area.

Our Services
Residential Services
Procare Wales have two residential care homes; Plas Lorna in Rhuddlan and Daniel House in Llanddulas. Our residential care homes are for individuals with complex needs between the ages of 16 and 64.
Community Living Services
Procare Wales provide early intervention work within a child’s home and school environment and/or support for a young parent with a learning disability and their child. We also provide bespoke support to both male and female adults aged 18 and over.

Our Service Model
Procare Wales has its roots in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and as such we operate a model of Positive Behavioural Support around an individualised package of care, promoting meaningful quality of life whilst reducing significant behaviours that challenge. Procare Wales is dual registered to work with both children and adults.
The Active Support Model ensures that all of our individuals are spending their time meaningfully engaged and gaining either new skills and coping strategies or helping to re-gain lost skills as a result of illness, trauma, or experience. The above is achieved in consultation with commissioners and partner agencies but more importantly with the person themselves using Person Centred Planning. Procare Wales provides both a step up (from community breakdown) or step down (from Hospital) service and will work with individuals intensively to achieve maximum independence in a number of evidence based domains making accountability in shared goal planning with Commissioners more transparent.
Procare Wales will consider referrals for individuals who have complex support needs with impaired intellectual abilities and significant challenging behaviour. Individuals will be considered on the basis that they:
- Would typically have complex support needs which might include learning disability, autistic spectrum disorders, mental health disorders, acquired brain injury or are highly vulnerable.
- May have or are at serious risk, of being excluded from mainstream or specialist services.
- May have experienced previous placement breakdowns
- May have a history of learning disability / repeated psychiatric hospital admissions including by detention under the Mental Health Act (2007)